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Honor Killings

Rape Crisis Research

See also: Secondary victimization, Testimonials and Victim blame

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Honour killings of girls and women


"Women in Pakistan live in fear. They face death by shooting, burning or killing with axes if they are deemed to have brought shame on the family. They are killed for supposed 'illicit' relationships, for marrying men of their choice, for divorcing abusive husbands. They are even murdered by their kin if they are raped as they are thereby deemed to have brought shame on their family. The truth of the suspicion does not matter -- merely the allegation is enough to bring dishonour on the family and therefore justifies the slaying."


"Honour" Killings of Women


""Honour" killings of women can be defined as acts of murder in which "a woman is killed for her actual or perceived immoral behavior." (Yasmeen Hassan, "The Fate of Pakistani Women," International Herald Tribune, May 25, 1999.) Such "immoral behavior" may take the form of marital infidelity, refusing to submit to an arranged marriage, demanding a divorce, flirting with or receiving phone calls from men, failing to serve a meal on time, or -- grotesquely -- "allowing herself" to be raped. "


Thousands of Women Killed for Family "Honor"


Journal articles


(2003). IRAQ: RAPE AND HONOR KILLING WIDESPREAD IN BAGHDAD. Women's International Network News, (29) 4, p31-31, 1p

"The city morgue gets corpses of women who were murdered by their relatives in so-called honor killings after they returned from an abduction - even, in some cases, when they had not been raped, said Nidal Hussein, a morgue nurse.

'For a woman's family, all this is worse than death,' said Dr. Khulud Younis, a gynecologist at the Alwiyah Women's Hospital. 'They will face shame."


Khan, Adnan R. (2005). MURDERED FOR LOVE. Maclean's, 118 (21), p46-N.PAG, 3p

"Women are the property of men. When a woman is declared kari, she becomes damaged goods; her family will dispose of her and then seek compensation."


(2002). THE SUBCONTINENT. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 21 (8), p41.

"Statistics of rape and honor killings by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)"


"Honor killing": culture, politics and theory. : An article from: The Middle East Women's Studies Review




Price of Honor : Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the Islamic World





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Related links: Victim blame



Macdonalds, John (2004). World Book Encyclopedia. United States of America: World Book Inc.

rape. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 2, 2006, from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9376486

Smith, M. D. (2004). Encyclopedia of Rape. USA: Greenwood Press.

Sedney, Mary Anne, "rape (crime)." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Library Publishing, 2006 <http://gme.grolier.com> (February 1, 2006).



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